Test your Humor Style

Interpreting Your Scores

Your Scores

Affiliative = 0

Self-enhancing = 0

Aggressive = 0

Self-defeating = 0

Affiliative Humor:   0

 0th %ile

Self-enhancing Humor:   0

 0th %ile

Aggressive Humor:   0

 0th %ile

Self-defeating Humor:   0

 0th %ile

Affiliative Humor

People who are high on Affiliative Humor enjoy sharing humor with other people. They often tell jokes and funny stories to amuse others and make them laugh, and they enjoy laughing along with others. They do not take themselves too seriously, and can laugh about their mistakes without feeling too badly about them. Research shows that those who are high on affiliative humor tend to be cheerful, outgoing and friendly, and tend to have enjoyable relationships with others.

Your score on Affiliative Humor is at the 0th percentile, indicating that you are very much below average on this style of humor.

Self-enhancing Humor

People who are high on Self-enhancing Humor are usually able to maintain their humorous outlook on life even during times of stress and adversity. They always look on the funny side of things and use humor to cheer themselves up. Even when they are alone, they are often amused by the absurdities of life. Research indicates that those who are high on self-enhancing humor tend to be emotionally well-adjusted, and do not easily become discouraged, anxious, or depressed. They cope well with stress and tend to be optimistic.

Your score on Self-enhancing Humor is at the 0th percentile, indicating that you are very much below average on this style of humor.

Aggressive Humor

People who are high on Aggressive Humor often use humor to tease, put down, or manipulate other people. Although they may be very witty, their humor tends to involve ridicule or sarcasm. They like to tell racist or sexist jokes, and are not concerned about how their humor might be hurtful to others. Making fun of others is a way they try to enhance their own self-esteem. Research indicates that people who are high in this humor style tend to be generally aggressive and insensitive to others. Their levels of self-esteem and emotional well-being are no higher or lower than the average person. Those who are low on this humor style tend to have more satisfactory relationships.

Your score on Aggressive Humor is at the 0th percentile, indicating that you are very much below average on this style of humor.

Self-defeating Humor

People who are high on Self-defeating Humor can be quite funny, but they often go too far in making jokes at their own expense and putting themselves down in an amusing way. They tend to laugh along with others when being ridiculed or made fun of. They try to make other people accept them more by allowing themselves to be the butt of others' humor. They also tend to use humor to hide their true feelings from others, putting on a happy face even when feeling unhappy inside. According to research findings, people who are high in this style of humor tend to have low self-esteem, and are often unhappy and anxious. They are often dissatisfied with their relationships.

Your score on Self-defeating Humor is at the 0th percentile, indicating that you are very much below average on this style of humor.

(C) 2014 Rod A. Martin, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

For more information:
Martin, R. A., Puhlik-Doris, P., Larsen, G., Gray, J., & Weir, K. (2003). Individual differences in uses of humor and their relation to psychological well-being: Development of the Humor Styles Questionnaire. Journal of Research in Personality, 37, 48-75.